Feeling Festive
Keep your skin in optimum condition with our firm favourites.
As the seasons change we tend to forget to keep our skin hydrated as well as the all important exfoliation. Just like summer , hydration in the colder seasons is just as important.
We often have our heating on at work or home to then step outside to battle the elements, the trauma our skin goes through on a daily basis you will have wished you had started your hydration regime sooner.
As important as it is to drink your 2 litres of water a day, only a small percentage of that goes towards keeping your skin hydrated (nice little fact of the day).
By using a daily spritz throughout the day, such as Multi Active Toner which includes key ingredients, your skin will stay in optimum hydaration.
By applying your moisturiser morning and night you will be locking in moisture, strengthening your skins natural moisture barrier. Using these as part of your daily skin care routine you will be giving your skin that added boost of hydration and protection.
Dermalogicas ingredient technology ensures your skin is recieving the perfect amount of water.